Greek Orthodox Church

Youth Ministries




Our mission for Youth Ministries is to strengthen the relationship of young Orthodox Christians with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, encouraging them to become active sacramental participants in the life of the Body of Christ. These ministries found on this page are not "organizations" or "clubs," but rather a ministry of the Church—a gathering and fellowship of the faithful who share the same ages and common interests. 


Three Hierarchs Sunday School Program

Classes available for ages 3–18 years

The Three Hierarchs Sunday School of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church aims to provide Orthodox Christian Education (catechesis) that helps build up the Church, the Body of Christ, by nurturing every student in the life of personal communion with the Holy Trinity (theosis) and thus, through this ministry, to bear joyful witness to God’s loving and redeeming work in the world


These programs are designed to be creative, project oriented and seasonal approaches to religious education. They offer our youth flexibility and opportunities to participate in religious education outside of Sunday School and promote an Inquiry Based Approach to Learning. We motivate students, recognize academic achievement and guide their spiritual growth through a Rewards & Incentives System.

Orthodox Hall of Honor 
Recognizing Students’ Accomplishments All Year Long : Publicly recognizing youth’s accomplishments can benefit their learning and the overall school climate. The goals of recognition are to reinforce constructive behaviors, cultivate spiritual confidence, and help the children see each other in a positive light—all without the competition associated with conventional awards.

Wonder Wall (Independent Student Q & A)  
Children ask so many questions, thirsty for knowledge and full of wondering. Often though, we don’t get a chance to answer their questions. The idea behind a wonder wall is to have a place where children can catch their wonders. They can jot down their questions and post them on the wall. This method promotes an “Inquiry Based Approach to Learning”. Students are not limited to learn only what the teachers present. Overtime, this will inspire enthusiasm, creativity and interest in our Greek Orthodox Christian faith.

Student Stewardship
Christian stewardship education and formation helps children and youth realize that they are a unique gift from God, understand that they have special talents and gifts, and discover all that God has given them.

Feast Day Celebration Programs & Presentations 
The Youth celebrates three feast days with programs & presentations:  1) Christmas Program, 2) Three Hierarchs Presentation (January), 3) Annunciation & Greek Independence Day Program

Oratorical Festival (January - April/May)  
Introduced in 1983, the purpose of the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival is to give students an opportunity to learn, write, and speak about their Orthodox Faith, Church, and heritage. The overall Oratorical program is called an Oratorical Festival rather than a contest to minimize the competitive spirit and emphasize a joyful learning experience.

Spring Lenten Retreat 
Holy Trinity Youth Ministries invites all youth to participate in a Lenten Retreat designed especially for them. The idea is “Ready..., Set..., Lent!” and participants of the retreat will “journey” through the various disciplines of Great Lent: Fasting, Prayer, Almsgiving, Confession, and Attending Church Services. The retreat is intended to help younger students understand how to prepare and spiritually grow during this season.

Holy Confession & Kite Day 
The tradition in Greece is to fly kites, which may to some appear secular, but when looked at more closely, can have a beautiful relation to the soul! You see, on the Sunday evening before we begin Great Lent, there is always held the Vespers of Forgiveness where each parishioner asks the priest and one another for forgiveness. It marks the beginning of a great journey in which we embark to clean our souls of the darkness built up from our sins. Consider gathering your youth (ages 3-18) and even their parents to a day set aside for Confession and Kite Flying! As each student finishes, we plan to meet outside to hand out free kites and experience the "joy" of a soul released to soar, free and lightened from the burden of sin!

Vacation Church School (Summer) 
The primary elements of Vacation Church School are Orthodox lessons, worship, crafts, hymns, and fellowship. VCS is a comfortable entry point to church for many people who desire to become part of the church. The spiritual growth that takes place during VCS leaves all who participate feeling spiritually refreshed in a more relaxed summer environment.




ANGELS (Ages up to 2 Years) 
FAITH (Ages 3-4 Years) 
HOPE Ministry (Holy Orthodox Primary Education) (Grades K5 - 2nd) 
Holy Orthodox Primary Education, or HOPE, ministers to children in Kindergarten through 2nd grade.

JOY Ministry (Junior Orthodox Youth) (Grades 3rd - 6th) 
Junior Orthodox Youth, or JOY, ministers to children in 3rd through 6th grade. The span from 3rd to 6th grade is a large one, and within it there are great variances in maturity.

GOYA Ministry (Greek Orthodox Youth of America) (Grades 7th - 12th) 
The Greek Orthodox Youth of America, or GOYA, ministers to young people ages 13-18. Teenagers should be in sixth/seventh through twelfth grades to participate.

Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Ministry ministers to young adults of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, ages 18 to 35 years old.

Orthodox Christian Fellowship (Campus Ministries) (18 - 35 Years)
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the official campus ministry of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.


Ages 7 and Older

The role of the male altar server remains a genuine and vital one in the Eucharistic Assembly of the faithful, as well as in other services. He stands ready to serve God in this capacity. It is a stewardship of young men; a service that they offer to God as their regular Sunday offering of talent and ability. 

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Hellenic dance

All ages

The purpose of this ministry is to bring together Orthodox families through dance, music and fellowship to perpetuate our Hellenic Orthodox tradition. The Dance Groups perform at our fundraisers: The Greek Festival, Palm Sunday Luncheon and Mother’s Day Luncheon. In addition, the Metropolis of Atlanta organizes a Hellenic Dance Festival & Byzantine Weekend every January. This is an annual event where youth from all over our Metropolis come together for fellowship, education about their Hellenic roots, and performing in a healthy Christian environment. In addition to the choral and dance competitions, HDF features educational sessions on ancient musical instruments, Greek folk costumes, iconography and fine art.